Welcome to Asgardia Business Portal
Date : 
13 Pisces 0009
English only for now
In terms of which act are companies registered in Asgardia?
Companies are registered according to  Asgardia Corporations and Enterprise Act (A.C.E) 
What type of businesses can I register in Asgardia ?
Sole Proprietor Enterprise ( SPE )
Private Limited Liability Company ( PTY LLC )
Private Limited Guarantee Company ( PTY LGC )
Private Unlimited Liability Company ( PTY ULC )
Non Profit Company ( NPC )
Non Government Non Commercial Public Organisations ( NGO )
State Owned Company ( SOC )
Why must i pay to register a business in Asgardia ?
The name of your business is the most crucial element your customers use to identify you. All your positive brand equity, history, services, and reputation are tied to it.

It’s the first thing they need to know before they do business with you or purchase your product and use it to differentiate you from similar traders.

That makes it a pretty valuable asset and we do not want to block someone else from registering a name unless they are serious in using it and prepared to pay for it.
Asgardia Business Portal is developed by the Asgardia Ministry of Trade and Commerce in a simple and digital way to improve the ease of doing business in Asgardia, especially starting a business.
Asgardia Business Portal operates under the Asgardia Corporations and Enterprise (A.C.E.) Act